Monday, May 11, 2009

Prototyping Readings

Better late than never, as the saying goes.

I finally did the prototype readings, and was mildly suprised by what I found. Most of the stuff was either covered in class, or something I already knew via my wonderfully logicical (pfft) mind. However, when I was reading the first document with the five fun facts, I found the idea of the digital divide interesting. It's something I have yet to actually experience, but I understand it completely. Though not how to fix it. I know that the way people view things limits their ability to interact with it, but never had I really stopped to think about the fact that how someone views an item in real life vs. on the computer could be so different, even though it's the same image, shape, object, etc. with he same interactional traits. It's deffinately something I will ponder for a while.